型號︰ | - |
品牌︰ | RADWAG(瑞德威) |
原產地︰ | 波蘭 |
單價︰ | - |
最少訂量︰ | 1 件 |
RADWAG(瑞德威)是歐洲波蘭 電子天平生產商(世界第三大天平), 也是歐洲及世界最重要的生產商之一。Radwag在波蘭有它自己的場地,生產世界 的衡器包括彩色觸摸屏智能化電子天平系列,提供豐富多樣的現代化天平,適用於實驗室,工業, 醫療,汽車製造和控制等行業。
儀器介紹 |
Basic weighing unit - carat (ct)
weighing possible also in grams (g)
Jewellery balances series are equipped with backlit LCD display. Accuracy of the balances is guaranteed by system of automatic internal calibration (in case of balances series C/2, series C/1 is equipped with external calibration), which is dependant of changes of temperature and elapsing time. balances are equipped with pan size ø 85 mm, glass draught shield and readability 0,2 mg. glass draught shield essentially mproves operation conditions, specially in areas with possible brezze.
GLP procedure in carat balances series AS is in a form of a nonmodifiable report from balance calibration. each balance is equipped with RS 232 and additional display connection.
Carat balances sereis AS are equipped with possibility of weighing loads outside the main weighing platform (so called under hook weighing). This means of mass measuring is an alternative for loads with non-standard dimensions and shapes and those which create magnetic field. Under hook weighing is also applied for density determination procedures.
儀器特點 |
技術參數 |
Model 型號
AS 140/C/1/CT
AS 220/C/1/CT
AS 320/C/1/CT
AS 140/C/2/CT *
AS 220/C/2/CT *
AS 320/C/2/CT
Max capacity 秤量
140 g / 700 ct
220 g / 1100 ct
320 g / 1600 ct
Readability 可讀性
0,0002 g / 0,001 ct
0,0002 g / 0,001 ct
0,0002 g / 0,001 ct
Repeatability 重複性
0,0002 g / 0,001 ct
0,0004 g / 0,002 ct
Linearity 線性誤差
±0,0002 g / 0,001 ct
±0,0004 g / 0,002 ct
Pan size 秤盤尺寸
ø 85 mm
Stabilization time 穩定時間
3 s
Sensitivity drift 靈敏度漂移
2 ppm/°C in temperature +15 ° - +35°C
Working temperature工作溫度
+15° - +30° C
Power supply 電源
230V 50Hz AC / 11V AC
Calibration 校準方式
Internal 全自動內部校準 (C/2) ; external 外部校準 (C/1)
Display 顯示
LCD液晶 (backlit背光)
Masa netto/brutto淨重/毛重
5,1/7,8 kg
5,1/7,8 kg
5,1/7,8 kg
5,5/8,2 kg
5,6/8,3 kg
5,6/8,3 kg
Wymiary opakowania包裝尺寸
495×380×455 mm